But that was just the beginning for Zobrist, who famously led the majors in WAR last season while batting .297/.405/.543 with 27 home runs and a 146 OPS+.In late April ‘09, long before anybody could have expect Zobrist to blast damn near 30 homers, Rancel appeared to have found one of the most logical explanations for the turnaround: Cevallos, the self anointed swing guru and current sponsor to Zobrist’s Baseball Reference page. replica Gucci YA100506 Ladie's watch Rancel: From there, Cevallos gathered the information needed and went to work. “I took the video home to analyze and we met again a few days later” he said. “I broke down their swing the way I do. They had never seen anything like it. I gave their swings a rating and showed them how they can improve the number.” That rating is called CIR or Cevallos Impact Rating. “The swing rating scale measures how consistent and powerful a player is” Cevallos explains.
“With the right mechanics, you will increase power and consistency at the same time. They really compliment each other, but the misconception has been that you sacrifice one for the other.” Initially, Zobrist scored a 287 on the CIR scale. As you can see Zobrist's power was that of a middle infielder, no surprises there. At first, Cevallos replica Gucci 112 Twirl Rotating Ladie's watch mentions Zobrist was a little apprehensive about changing his approach. “Ben was concerned that he would not be conforming to what the hitting coaches wanted him to be, which was a “spray” hitter, a situational hitter I believe he called it, a guy that is supposed to move guys around the bases and sacrifice himself. I told him that he could be a power hitter AND increase his consistency.
He didn't have to settle for that role, I told him, he could have his cake and eat it too.” To me that sounds very similar to the change Joe M Addon talked about when Zobrist was told to stop being a singles hitter and “swing harder”.It was an interesting replica Gucci YA101306Men's watch interview, and one which seemed to shed new light on how Zobrist changed his stroke. In an email to me, he even gave Cevallos nice credit for his sudden offensive stardom. Obviously, the Rays’ versatile star has not replicated anywhere near that kind of power output this season. He has just six homers, the first of which did not come until months into the spring.